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Bunim Notes

Bunim Notes From Submissions


Once submitted, Bunim will have Notes sent our way (per BATCH) the following week, at times even the same day of delivery, with immediate feedback and requests for Revisions, Approvals, or the Cues that have been Passed on.

Batch NOTES are deliverd  in an Excel Sheet format and will be emailed to you as soon as they are recieved.

Reading the NOTES Sheet

  • Names of the Cue(s)

  • The initials of the main writer, 

  • Feedback and the status of the cue (Approved, Revisions, or a Pass). They will be color coded. 

Revisions & Approvals Time Frame

There is a 24 Hour turnaround time for any  revisions or Approvals (Deliverables) 

  • APPROVALS -  Your Cue(s) has been approved, Congrats!  Please follow the instruction listed in the Deliverables Section

  • REVISIONS - IF there were any revisions,  make the changes as per Bunim's Notes requests. Further details in the Revisions Section.

  • PASS  -  IF the cue is Passed, it did not meet the projects needs. You can  remove your Passed Cues from the Submission/PreScreen Folders folder and the Cue remains Yours/returned back to you.

Understanding the Bunim "BATCH NOTES" Sheet

COLORS (Cues will be color coded)

  • GREEN-  APPROVED --  IF your cue is green and has Notes,  do the minor adjustments, and treat it as it is Approved and prep and submit the Deliverables. (see Deliverables Section for Details)

  • RED- Pass -- In most cases, this means it did not fit the needs for the show. If feedback is listed, take record of the reasoning and do not submit a cue with the same issues. Keeping a copy of the NOTES will come handy to go back if unsure or to get a better grasp of what is and what is NOT working in your creation process.   -- CUES that are PASSED Belong to YOU - The Writer(s)

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